Thursday, August 17, 2017

Neo-Nazis, and our country

1) I am liberal northerner.
2) I now travel all over the country in an RV.
3) I believe that the second amendment to the constitution should say, 
"You can have as many MUSKETS as you want..."

That being said, over 150 years ago we had what some call, "the civil war" , and others actually call, "the war of northern aggression".

Here are a few factoids regarding that war...

1) the south declared war on the north.
2) the south LOST the war.
3) southerners did get killed in the war, as did northerners.
4) the real victims were not the south or Confederates, but the freed slaves.
5) political maneuvering has made the south seen to be the victim.

Outcomes of war.
Slaves freed.
Reconstruction was stymied in the south.
Introduction of Jim Crow laws.

HOUSTON, We have a problem.
The real victims of, that war are still being hurt, and today groups trying to erase 75 years of civil rights are beginning to become popular again.

Problem:  this happened in 1931 in Germany, and by 1937, the country was a dictatorship.

Shades of Nazi memories are beginning to crystallize again, including Nazi salutes.

Remember that the statues of the Confederate heroes, were mostly erected during the Jim Crow anti civil rights era.  Lots of visor has been documented that these statues were NOT really designed to celebrate the heroes, but the prevailing  pro slavery common views.

These statues were not erected to honor these "war heroes", but to enrage the newly freed slaves.

It's important to understand that no matter how we want to respect our ancestors, we now need to understand that no matter what happens the Confederate flag, statues, and all of these symbols  have now become racist symbols of slavery and intolerance.

They need to be removed, and these need to become learning moments to teach.

Car hits pedestrian in terrorist attack.

Oh. That's  not terrorism, thats "free speech?"
Bull shit...
It's hypocritical to call Spain terrorism and NOT Virginia's incident.

It's time to call a spade a spade.  If it smells like a rose, looks like a rose and has thorns like a rose, it might actually be a rose.
Dear president 45.  A Rose is rose. Call it honestly!

The Confederate flag is no longer a symbol of Southern pride and respectful of its heroes.  It is now as unacceptable as a Nazi flag.

Statutes of the heroes of the CSA's insurrection against the United States should no longer be considered a right.

They need to be re-considered.  They are now symbols of white supremacy, and the ideas that whites need to be in charge of everything, and the way it was 200 years ago.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

July 11,17--summer of TRUMP-Gate

Oh boy.  My previous post on the summer of '74 (the summer of Sam Ervin and the Watergate hearings) is really coming true.

I said that trump-gate, or more accurately TREASON-gate, was proceeding 5 times faster then Watergate, mostly because of the twitterer-in-chief's insistence on wearing his brains on his keyboard.

Friday the NYT posted a story that the Donald's oldest son met with a Russian lawyer.
Now. He denied it was anything but a meeting about adoption.
Since that story, more had come out, saying that an email confirmed in advance that the meeting was about Hillary opposition research.

Now( on hear and now- 7-11-17)
I heard an expert use the "T" word.
Yay... Treason!!!!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Its health care, not taxes , STUPID!

Is the ruling party really that arrogant that they think we really don't know that this so called health care bill is really just a tax cut bill?

It's not really anything except tax cuts, and repealing Medicaid.

Republicans have vetoed or blocked health care initiatives in Washington for over 70 years.

Now they want to cut 10 billion dollars over 10 years and give the money to the 1 percent via the tax cuts in this so called health care bill.

It's time for EVERYONE reading this (or just everyone who knows HOW to read) to call their senators and, voice their displeasure with this sleight of hand being attempted with this bill.

Remind them that Mitch McConnell would not be alive were it not for the free healthcare he received from the American taxpayers.

Call them NOW!.  Think of it as your duty as an American.

And remember.   KISS.Keep it simple, (because they're) STUPID.  K.I.S.S.


Friday, May 19, 2017

Another guffaw by our "negotiater or thief" in chief

Ok. Let's see. 5-19-17
Donald Trump claims to be a successful businessman.
That would mean that UNDERSTANDING the other side is always key, correct?
So... The latest, (this time underreported) is that poor president Trump can't stand to go up to Massada in a cable car, instead he demanded that he be allowed to land his helicopter on the world heritage site.
Of course, previous us presidents HAVE give up to the top of the mountain via cable car.
BTW, if you are ever at Masada, and in relatively decent shape, take the 5 hour hike up the mountain and watch the sun rise and really shine in the Dead Sea.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Impeach Jefferson Boregard Sessions NOW!!

OK. Let's take a break from the horror in chief for a moment.

I predicted (see yesterday's post) that the current president will be gone by August 10th.

Today (actually last night) the deputy attorney general showed some backbone and appointed the former FBI director as the independent counsel to investigate.

It's a shame that our President's  narcissistic personality won't allow him to quit easily.

Either by plague, by fire, assassination, or his just realizing he'll be the first president impeached and removed from office.

So now let's turn our attention to the replacement person.  At least Pence has political experience. Yah!

Isn't that a disgustingly low bar???

So now it's time to remove the next most disgusting member of the cabinet.
Jefferson Boregard Sessions.
It's amazing that , even the name his mammy and pappy picked out is racist.

Not to mention his views in the 80's and even this year aren't simply disgraceful.

He had already failed the Russia test with his two conversations with the Russian ambassador before he was sworn in.

Time to start with him.

Sorry you Trump-ites.  He's dead, you picked the absolute worst candidate, and even crooked Hilary would have governed us without the past pain of the past  three months of office.

It's time for all you folks with (and I swear I saw this the other day.. TRUMP FLAGS) to take them down, and write, "DUMP"on the flags.

I really believe it's time to start writing "DUMP" on any bumper sticker with Trump's name on it...

It's also time for anyone with a Republican Congress person to start calling them  daily and reminding them you vote and you don't approve of his message.

I almost wish I was on Facebook so this would get cross posted.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Day 115?

Well we made it through the first hundred days.  As an FYI, this is written Monday, 5/15, just after the unqualified president again stuck his foot his mouth.
This week:
He fired the FBI director saying it was at recommendation of the DOJ'S behalf and request.
Then 3 days later, he admits he fired FBI director because, "Russia is a made up story and Comey  wouldn't swear allegence to him

Talk about obstruction of justice??
Impeach Jefferson Boregard Sessions, and the Donald...

Oh and let's call a special election for president in 2018...