Is the ruling party really that arrogant that they think we really don't know that this so called health care bill is really just a tax cut bill?
It's not really anything except tax cuts, and repealing Medicaid.
Republicans have vetoed or blocked health care initiatives in Washington for over 70 years.
Now they want to cut 10 billion dollars over 10 years and give the money to the 1 percent via the tax cuts in this so called health care bill.
It's time for EVERYONE reading this (or just everyone who knows HOW to read) to call their senators and, voice their displeasure with this sleight of hand being attempted with this bill.
Remind them that Mitch McConnell would not be alive were it not for the free healthcare he received from the American taxpayers.
Call them NOW!. Think of it as your duty as an American.
And remember. KISS.Keep it simple, (because they're) STUPID. K.I.S.S.